Set in a comic book world, Liberty City is an original musical that explores what would happen if heroism was rewarded, not only in gratitude and respect... but in wealth, fame and power. If the system allowed it, could even the most altruistic of individuals resist placing their self-interests above the well-being of others?

For the citizens of Liberty City, every good deed has its price. Superhero Corp. has flourished for almost ten years on the profits of its subscribers and on the back of its powerful PR machine.

When Adam - a protégé of the company’s owner -
has a crisis of conscience regarding the morality of his work, he begins rescuing people for free under the disguise of a secret vigilante. His actions shake the very foundations of the establishment, as well as his relationship with his boss.

With a cunning adversary and an army of villains desperate to regain their grip on power, will Adam be able to teach the citizens of Liberty City the true meaning of heroism in time, or will the shadow of greed consume the city forever?

WORKSHOP  :-  Hen & Chickens Theatre  (June 2017)

Amy Bilton..............Book, Lyrics & Composer

Alan Whittaker....Composer